ok, this is where it gets fun!
we were given a magazine ad to mimic using some of the things we learned last session (glass, metal, texture). my group was given an advertisement for absolut vodka in which a magazine ad magically drips into a martini glass (see below). our assignment was only to have the bottle and glass. we didn't need to have the magazine or the water drop.

we began by shooting just the bottle above the glass. this took many different setups. for the "vodka" in the bottle, we used a fast-setting resin.

next we took the shot from the same position, but this time had a mechanism designed to drip water into the martini glass. as you can see, the glass started getting drops all over it from the splashing, but the timing had to be just right. i originally had a photo of the droplet that looked like the one in the original ad, but opted to used this "crown" shaped droplet instead. you have to click on this photo to see the drop up close - even i was impressed!

of course, the 2 photos aren't much good without the other, so i used some basic photoshop skills to take the "crown" from the droplet shot and place it into the "clean" shot with the bottle. the result? have a look for yourself:

here is a shot of our setup. we used a boom to hold the coke bottle that had water and a tube with a regulator at the end to time the drips. we had a stand which we clamped the bottle to and a pane of glass on a black blanket for the "table."

this was probably the most fun i've had in a studio session. it was easy to see how this one photo shoot could have lasted several days. given the time, we could have mimiced the original ad campaign.