Saturday, January 26, 2008

we are scary

so i realize that it's january, but i had some requests for the photos i took at halloween last year. i've never been to such an elaborate halloween party before, though i can imagine how much more spooky it could have been. the amount of time that it took to prepare the decorations and meal must have been daunting.
these were the party favours. imagine a halloween-themed wedding - these would have been perfect!
no halloween party would be complete without a pumpkin cauldron and its bubbling contents (cooled with dry ice, of course)
the hosts of the nights haunting evening - mark and sheila.
"what's your poison?"
personally, the highlight was the candy corn flavoured jones soda.
care for some jello shooters (excuse the worms)?

can't wait for the next halloween party! thanks for organizing such a fun night!

1 comment:

  1. what an amazing party. Party planners made this a most memorable evening. Better than anything I've ever seen anywhere
